Minggu, 01 Juni 2014

Functions of Vitamin E For Healthy Body

1 . Increase endurance

help cope with stress , improve fertility , minimizing the risk of cancer and coronary heart disease

2 . Whiten Skin

Role is very important for healthy skin , by maintaining , improving skin elasticity and moisture , prevents premature aging , protects skin from ultraviolet radiation damage , and accelerate the wound healing proces

3 . As Antioxidants

All vitamin E is an antioxidant and is involved in many body processes and operate as a natural antioxidant that helps protect cell structures that are important especially cell membranes from damage due to free radicals . In carrying out its function as an antioxidant in the body , vitamin E works by searching , reacting and damaging free radical chain reactions . In these reactions , vitamin E itself converted into a radical . However, this radical will quickly regenerate into active vitamin through a biochemical process involving other compounds

4 . Protective Red Blood Cells

Protect red blood cells that carries oxygen to the body tissues from damage In addition to protecting from the effects of excess vitamin A and vitamin A protect from damage , this vitamin can also protect animals from the effects of various drugs , chemicals , and metals which support the formation of free radicals .