Kamis, 05 Juni 2014

Seaweed Benefits for Health

Losing weight

Seaweeds have absolutely no fat content or calories . The iodine content in seaweed also able to maintain the health of your body's thyroid gland . The thyroid gland is able to regulate the body's metabolism so that weight remains balanced. Moreover minerals in seaweed can destroy fat cells in the body .

Preventing cancer

Seaweed contains natural antioxidant substances called lignans . This compound is known to slow the growth of tumors . Other studies have also shown that high folic acid content in the seaweed can prevent colon cancer .

Being able to detoxify the body

Seaweed consumption suitable for those who are often exposed to toxins and pollutants from the body . This is because in the seaweed contained chlorophyll content helps the body to naturally detos .

prevent Anemia

Seaweed is proven to improve hematopoiesis or red blood cell formation . It is believed to be due to the high iron content in it .

Accelerate Wound Healing

Vitamin C contained in seaweed proven to maintain strong bones , teeth , gums , skin health and can heal wounds and strengthen the blood vessels .

Prevent bone loss

Seaweed has more calcium than milk . Therefore , this magical grass can prevent the risk of bone loss , maintaining bone and teeth growth , maintain healthy nails , and hair .