Liver, a large organ located in the lower right side of the rib cage has a variety of functions, namely as the formation of blood plasma and blood coagulant, as a repository of mineral substances, such as iron, potassium, and copper, reserve water storage and the burning of sugar and cholesterol formation. He also converts fat into fatty acids. Toxic substances that enter from outside the body and is formed in the body will be thrown into the hearts together bile into the intestines.
Liver disease can be caused by a virus known as hepatitis A, hepatitis B, or hepatitis non-A and non-B. In addition, liver disease can also be derived from food consumption patterns slaah or chemical substances contained in drugs such as antibiotics, paracetamol, arsenal, and medicines consumed by the chicken pieces are then consumed by man in the form of a dish which was then in human consumption in the form of fast food dishes.
Do not forget also that substances contamination of air pollution and heart attack are slowly but surely. Lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) is the largest of all dust contaminant metals in the air. The largest contribution of Pb and Cd from motor vehicle exhaust darti besides pollute the air, also can contaminate food and water.
Pollutants are stored cumulatively in the liver, and in the long term can lead to cirrhosis of the liver.
Alcoholic beverages that are part of most of the celebrity lifestyle can also lead to cirrhosis of the liver after consumption in a long time. Selaijn of the liver, alcohol also can affect the muscles of the heart and brain.